
UK Money Blogger Profile: Money Blog Scotland

This week we caught up with Jim from Money Blog Scotland to discover how his financial background has led to the creation of his blog, and much more!

Tell us about your blog.

My blog is called Money Blog Scotland and it covers money making ideas, saving, investing and I’ve
also built some financial calculators which I hope visitors will find useful.

Why do you write about money?

I worked in financial services for four years at a Friendly Society and when I started out there I knew
very little about savings, investments, charges and so on. But by the time I had left I felt I was
something of an expert. I thought there must be loads of people out there who are bamboozled by
the financial world so I thought it would be useful to put together a blog to provide helpful
information for this audience.

How did you start blogging?

I started a good number of years ago in 2008. I’ve done all sorts – travel, book blogging, even a site
about James Bond and a cake blog for my wife. However my money blog is the first one I’ve felt can
really go somewhere!

What’s your most popular post and why?

My most popular post is ‘10 Best Apps to Make Money’ 
I guess it just does what it says on the tin. If you want to make money with apps on your phone, then
here’s a list of 10 apps that will do just that. Sometimes the simple stuff is best I guess!

What’s your favourite post you’ve written, and why?

I hope my Junior ISA Calculator is useful for parents who are thinking of putting something away for a
child. It can be so important to give your kids a financial boost at the start of their working lives – even moreso these days with housing and education so expensive.

What’s your top blogging tip?

Don’t overthink your articles – just start writing. Ideas will usually come once you get into your stride.

Why are you part of UK Money Bloggers?

It’s an incredible network of friendly and helpful bloggers. And a good network is essential if you’re
going to get anywhere as a blogger.

Who are your three favourite UK Money Bloggers?

Robin Powell (Evidence Investor) is a professional journalist who writes insightful and excellent
articles on investing and the financial service industry on his personal blog.
Super Lucky Di is great for competitions – in fact I don’t think anyone else is better!
And Jon at The Money Shed has a highly irreverent style and is always good for a laugh.

And now…some quickfire questions

What’s your number one money tip?

Don’t get a credit card. If you have one, chop it up.

What is the best bargain you have ever bought?

I bought a Gretsch guitar for £500 about 25 years ago. I knew it was a great guitar but didn’t realise
how rare it was. I sold it for £1,000 just last year after 25 faithful years of service.

What is a product / service you are happy to pay the extra for?

Running shoes. I do the occasional 5k and I like to go to a proper store where I can be advised on the
best shoes for my running style.

Tell us something about yourself

My band is on Spotify – in fact it’s not a band – it’s just me playing all the instruments. I’m called
Plastic Insomnia. Check me out on Spotify or the streaming service of your choice!

And finally…where can we find you on social media?

I am on Facebook and Twitter. Please drop by and say hello!

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