
UK Money Blogger Profile: The Money Gurus

Tell us about your blog.

My blog is ‘The Money Gurus’ and is there to help and give direction to people trying to make money online. I’ve spent years searching the internet for new ways to make money online and at The Money Gurus I’ve compiled some of the best places to earn more money online to save some extra pocket money and even a full time wage without having to go into work everyday.

Why do you write about money?

  I only have one real goal here and that’s to help people secure your own version of financial freedom whatever that might be.

How did you start blogging?

I enjoy being creative and learning new skills so thought now would be a great time to become a blogger and help share some things I’ve learnt.

What’s your most popular post and why?

I’m a relatively new, but the one about the Top 10 advantages of working from home is popular

What’s your favourite post you’ve written, and why?

My favourite so far is the one about ways of saving money in the Uk. It has a little bit of humour in there, but also straight to the point in a easy and simple way to read.

What’s your top blogging tip?

There’s no point waiting, just start and learn on the job so to speak! There’s no better practise than getting out there and picking up bits and pieces as you go along! Also diversify your income streams too!
Why are you part of UK Money Bloggers?
It seems like a really friendly community of individuals on the same path and I wanted to become involved in it!

Who are your three favourite UK Money Bloggers?

And now…some quickfire questions
What’s your number one money tip?

Keep track of your finances!

What is the best bargain you have ever bought?

 I once got a flight to South East Asia from London for £120, that’ll take beating!

What is a product / service you are happy to pay the extra for?

Airport Lounges, you get to spend a few hours eating and drinking in peace and comfort away from the hordes. It might even work out cheaper anyway!

Tell us something about yourself

 I once started an eco-friendly cassette label in 2013, it’s fair to say that it didn’t really kick off.

And finally…where can we find you on social media?

I’m on Facebook 

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