
Money Blogger Profile: Much More With Less

UK Money Blogger Faith Archer of Much More With Less

All about… Much More With Less

A well-established financial journalist, Faith Archer started blogging as part of a charity fundraiser, but found it to be a way of distilling complex money concepts into a simpler format for her readers. This focus on simplicity runs throughout her blog, Much More With Less, which shows us just much more we can all have with less consumerism.


Tell us about your blog.

I blog at Much More With Less about moving to the country, living on less and making the most of it. It’s all about our family life since moving from London to Suffolk, everything from food to flowers, fitness to finance, but all with a frugal spin.

We also wanted to focus more on time together, living a simpler, more sustainable life, rather than being trapped on a consumer treadmill.

Why do you write about money?

I’m passionate about helping people make the most of their money, whether spending less or earning more.

Personally, I’ve always been boringly sensible with money – I even saved my pocket money as a child! However, it’s made a massive difference to our lives, bringing freedom and choice. Without managing our money, we’d never have been able to move mortgage-free to our dream house in the country.

Professionally, I’ve also been writing about money as a journalist for more than 14 years. I was Deputy Personal Finance Editor at the Daily Telegraph before my children were born, and now write for national newspapers like The Sunday Times and Financial Times as a freelancer.

Hopefully I can bring my knowledge of tricky money matters to my blog, and make them easier to understand!

I’m also keen to show that it’s possible to have a great time on a lot less income, if you step off the consumer treadmill to live a simpler, more sustainable life.


How did you start blogging?

My blog actually started to raise money for UNICEF, the children’s charity. I took part in the Live Below the Line charity challenge, to feed yourself on £1 a day for 5 days, and wrote the blog so people could find out more about it.


What’s your most popular post and why?

How not to shop for a frugal food challenge.

I think it’s popular because loads of people are keen to cut food costs, and this is a very honest post about how life sometimes intervenes, even if you have the best intentions.


What’s your favourite post you’ve written, and why?

There are loads of posts I’ve loved writing, from how not to start a diet to attempts at making marmalade  and rants about PCP car finance.

However, I think my favourite is the “10 lessons I’d like to teach my daughter about money”.


What’s your number one money tip?

Keep a spending diary. It’s that simple – write down everything you spend. Even if you only do it for a week, you’ll be much more aware of where your money disappears. Then you can choose to make changes, if you’d like to save some cash.


What’s your top blogging tip?

Writing great content is vital, but you also need to invest time in social media so people can find you!


Why are you part of UK Money Bloggers?

I have been blown away by the support and advice from fellow UK Money Bloggers and am incredibly grateful for everything I’ve learnt from the Facebook group. It’s also been huge fun meeting up with like-minded bloggers at events like the SHOMOs.


Who are your three favourite UK Money Bloggers?

Only three? Ouch. I’ve just jotted down a list off the top of my head, of bloggers who’ve supported me, whose advice I respect and whose blogs I enjoy, and came up with nearly 30!

Tough choice, but I’ll say Andy from Be Clever With Your Cash, who set up UK Money Bloggers and was kind enough to get me involved after we worked on a project for the Money Advice Service.

Plus Sara from Debt Camel, for her unflinchingly good advice on blogging, and Lynn from Mrs MummyPenny for all her top tips on the commercial side.

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