
UK Money Blogger Profile: Smarter Cash

Tell us about your blog.

My blog is

SmarterCash is a blog about money-saving hacks, money making guides and investments. Basically, all things money related, whether you are a stay at home Mum, a family trying to save for a holiday or maybe even you are looking to try something else and even replace your job. This site will almost certainly have some information to help you. I write on the site with my business partner Andi Leeman. One popular section is the Side Hustle Heroes section where we interview regular people who take on side hustles to boost their income. We are lucky to live in a wonderfully diverse space with regards to how we can earn a living now, the Internet has literally changed everything.

Why do you write about money?

I have always had an interest in different ways to make some extra cash. I remember when I first sold my first item on eBay years ago, this was before smartphones and everything had to be done on the desktop. I thought wow that was amazing, to be connected to millions of buyers from my house. I scaled it up quickly and started selling everything I could around the house I no longer needed. It was from this really that I started to gain an interest in the side hustle. This little spark lead me into writing about it years down the line. But its taken a while until I specifically started writing about Money, my other blogs prior to this were from various other niches in the non-money field.

How did you start blogging?

I first started blogging after I met an Internet Marketer at a conference a while back, maybe 10 years ago (maybe even longer). I used to write a blog which was all about ‘blogging’. So, it would be WordPress tips etc, online marketing strategies and that sort of thing. Unfortunately, despite all my efforts and time it never really took off. I did learn a ton of skills though from doing this. I even launched a couple of small digital products which done ok, my most popular one was a small video course on how to create Infographics. Again, this was before any apps and smartphones so it sold ok for a while.

This was kind of the start for me, I took several years and months off at various stages in between then and now but a few years ago I was approached by a blogging friend to start again. We have built several successful sites together and now we have re-partnered up to create this site.

What’s your most popular post and why?

The most popular post is one of the Side Hustle Heroes posts. I recently interviewed a lady by the name of Alison. She reached out to me during the winter of 2018 about starting up Amazon FBA. I wrote a guide on how to get started with Amazon and make some extra income from it. The guide is a newbie friendly tutorial aimed at anyone who wants to give it a go. Anyway, we got talking and she read the guide so I helped her set up an account and get started with it. She sent her first box in and made a sale within 2 days of it getting there. Since then she has gone on to make thousands of pounds per month using it.

So, she kindly agreed to have an interview about her success and share her story so hopefully, others can get involved. It can be read here:

What’s your favourite post you’ve written, and why?

My favourite post is actually no longer live ☹ – it was on my very first blog and it was about the MLM industry and how people are misled into it. The post received tons of backlash and comments from people who were really angry I had written about a particular beloved platform in such a negative way. The truth is though none of them made any money and the platform was rightfully shut down soon after. Despite receiving tons of negative comments, it actually got quite a lot of publicity with other readers and hopefully swayed some people away from getting involved in these scams.

What’s your top blogging tip?

Add value. I see so many new blogs starting out where people just write about their day, their feelings etc etc… Sure, they may be ok for their friends or family but over the long term, they are not going to cut it. You have to serve a purpose, solve a problem, add value.

Why are you part of UK Money Bloggers?

I wanted to find a Facebook group based on UK bloggers, I wasn’t really looking for niche specific ones to begin with but then this showed up and I am glad I joined. Very strong and passionate group full of knowledge in their respective fields. I joined to connect with other bloggers in this niche, to help and provide some of my own insights and to one day get to go to the famous awards!

Who are your three favourite UK Money Bloggers?

Jon @ The Money Shed,

Cora @ The Mini Millionaire,

Francesca @ From Pennies To Pounds

What’s your number one money tip?

Move it around. I think money is a game, move it around to get the best out of it. (Think credit cards, savings, investments etc)

What is the best bargain you have ever bought?

3000 Pokemon cards, all vintage for about £30

What is a product / service you are happy to pay the extra for? 

Tailwind and Canva

Tell us something about yourself.

I am the captain of my social clubs dart team.

And finally…where can we find you on social media? 

Instagram: @sideincomeman

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